13-14 Nov 2024 Paris (France)

Welcome to the RAMSES SNO 2024

In this meeting for the RAMSES 'service national d'observation', we gather users of the RAMSES code in Paris on November 13-14. The aim of the workshop is to take stock of the various advances made within the RAMSES SNO framework, as well as to briefly present the participants, their scientific interests and their present or future contributions to the SNO. In the left-side menu, you can register for the meeting and submit your talk title. We expect each participant to give at least a 5 minute presentation of themselves, and optionally you can give a longer and more detailed presentation of your work. Please concact us at your earliest convenience, via the link at the bottom left, if you need financial support for your trip to Paris. First come first served!



We will host the meeting at the Institut d'astrophysique de Paris (IAP), 98 bis boulevard Arago, 75008, Paris. The meeting will be in the "salle des séminaires" in the basement floor.

Additional information

The meeting is going to take place on the 13-14 November. 

A meeting on the Galactica database will be held on 12 November, and a meeting on the Dyablo-GINEA code on 15 November at the IAP. Please contact damien.chapon_at_cea.fr and dominique.aubert_at_astro.unistra.fr, respectively, if you are interested (registration required).

Social dinner will take place at restaurant le Polidor (41 Rue Monsieur le Prince, 75006 Paris) on Wednesday at 19h15.



Céline Gouin

Yohan Dubois (chair)

Joseph Lewis

Maxime Trebitsch


Registration Deadline: Oct. 09

Meeting: Nov. 13-14

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